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Spaces of Joy Week 9 - Live Scribe Alt Text

Writer's picture: Daisy HaleDaisy Hale

Sheet 1

A green and pink wavy glitter border with the spaces of joy logo in the top left corner: “spaces of joy” curved around a star in white with a black shadow.

The title “Supporting with care - session 8 - Jess Thom - Touretteshero” is written at the top left of the page in large white script and highlighted in black.

Below “Jess Thom” is written in large black script with “co-artistic director of touretteshero” underneath and all is highlighted in light green. Below is “& part time superhero!” written in black.

To the right is an illustration of Jess, who is in a black and green wheelchair, wearing black trainers and a black tracksuit, has short hair with cropped sides. The illustration is circled with a bright green line.

Below is “touretteshero” written in large white block capitals with “est 2010” written in black underneath. This is all inside a bright pink oval.

Below is “using tourettes as a catalyst for creativity” written in black script inside a pink square. To the right is a second pink square with “we champion disability culture” written inside. To the right is an illustration of two pink hands holding up three grey people dancing - one is in a wheelchair and another is in a headscarf. Below is a third pink box with “we advocate for the breaking down of all barriers” written inside. To the right is an illustration of a pink traffic barrier with a grey wrecking ball hitting it. To the left of the square are three light pink speech bubbles with grey exclamation marks inside and surrounded by grey stars.

Below is the quote “creating a more inclusive + socially just world…” written in large pink script, with a light pink line above and below.

Underneath is a large speech bubble outlined in purple which reads “breaking down ‘cultural curation’ around relaxed performance…”, to the right is the quote “creating playful spaces where accessibility supports all - so everyone knows it is possible” written in black with a purple line above and below. Under these is an illustration of five people all in white trousers and light purple tops; two are sat in beanbags, one is sitting cross legged on the floor, one is in a wheelchair with a microphone on a stand in front of them and one is dancing with their arms in the air. To the left of them is an illustration of a large board with an information icon at the top and writing across the rest. To the right of them is a purple speech bubble which reads “& gives us better grounds to always advocate it”.

To the right of this is written “lasting impact of meaningful change” in purple and black.

At the top of the page is the subtitle “powerful ideas” written in large with an illustration of a lightbulb flying above a grey city; it has a face and arms with one outstretched, it is in a purple cape, and a light purple light is shining in the sky showing a “th”.

To the right are seven purple circles, each are numbered with a title written in white in a purple box and explanation or illustration in black:

  1. The title “Models of disability”, with an illustration of four people next to a stage, one is in a wheelchair, one has a cane and the other two are reaching up with one arm. There are five purple triangles around them with exclamation points inside. To the left of the illustration “medical model” and “charity model” are written in black and struck out with a purple line. Below this “social model” is written slightly larger and underlined with a purple wavy line.

  2. The title “Impairment vs disability” with a line coming up from ‘impairment’ to the word “factual” and a line going down from ‘disability’ to the words “disabling barriers”.

  3. The title “adjustable environments” with “changing requirements as needed…” written below in black. To the right is an illustration of a cloud with a line graph in the top left corner.

  4. The title “forced vs access intimacy” with an illustration of a person with a box of ear defenders, a sign to a chill out space behind them, a poster with access information to the right, a shelf of fidget toys behind them and an audio description system to the left.

  5. The title “access without judgement” with “avoid assumptions on who or how access tools will be used…” written underneath in black, and an illustration to the right of an audio description system. To the right is an illustration of three people; one has a cane and is gesturing to a board on the wall, another is reaching up to a second board on the wall and the third is in a wheelchair and reading from a sheet of paper. Below is written “try things out” in black with a purple line above and below.

  6. The title “a socialist approach to energy” with “energy + input looks different for different bodies + minds” written in black. To the right is an illustration of a grid with some squares coloured in pink.

  7. The title “emotional grab rails” with “people, things or thoughts that you can access in difficult times for grounding support…” written below in black. To the right is an illustration of a rail in black, with pink icons above of a person, a heart, information and a book.

In the centre of the page is a large, light green speech bubble with the subtitle “supporting chronically ill + CEV artists…” written inside in black. Above are five green hearts. Below are seven squares outlined in light green. Each has a title written at the top in black, an illustration and a short description:

  • Title “wellbeing clauses” with an illustration of a piece of paper with lines imitating writing across it, there are leaves and flowers drawn in light green all around the paper. To the right is written “confidence + flexibility to make sensible decisions”

  • Title “scheduling + pacing” with an illustration of a black and white grid with some squares coloured in green. To the right is written “careful + considered balance - different for all”

  • Title “parallel planning” with “planning for unexpected events or situations” written below and an illustration of three stacks of cards that say “physical pain”, “online plan” and “hybrid plan” written on.

  • Title “risk matrix” with an illustration of an information table below and “a framework, a system identifying your own approaches / responses to events or situations” written to the right.

  • Title “access to work - PA’s + job aides” with an illustration of two people sitting opposite each other with two green hearts between them and “should be the support for people to be able to work…” written to the right in black.

  • Title “access riders” with an illustration of a sheet of paper with an icon of a person at the top and boxes of information below. To the right is written “can be fluctuating” in black.

  • Title “organisational access rider” with an illustration of a sheet of paper with the heading “tourettes” at the top followed by boxes of information and a picture on it. To the right is written “how to work with us… e.g who to contact, timeframes”.

To the right is the heading “non physical participation” written in large black script, with a green wavy line above and below. To the right is an illustration of a video screen, a microphone and a book. Below are the bullet points:

  • “Streaming”

  • “Podcasts”

  • “Board games”

  • “Activity booklets”

Beneath is a large green speech bubble with “it’s good to introduce these tools / processes as soon as possible in a project or collaboration…” written inside in black.

Sheet 2

A green and pink wavy glitter border with the spaces of joy logo in the top left corner: “spaces of joy” curved around a star in white with a black shadow.

The title “Supporting with care - session 8 - Jess Thom - Touretteshero” is written at the top left of the page in large white script and highlighted in black.

Below “Jess Thom” is written in large black script with “co-artistic director of touretteshero” underneath and all is highlighted in light green. Below is “& part time superhero!” written in black.

To the right is an illustration of Jess, who is in a black and green wheelchair, wearing black trainers and a black tracksuit, has short hair with cropped sides. The illustration is circled with a bright green line.

Below is the heading “covid related access” in large black font and circled with a bright green line. To the right is an illustration of a virus in green.

Below is a large box outlined in green with a list inside:

  1. “Capacity” highlighted in green with “reduced audience” below

  2. “Clear information” highlighted in green with “details of measures + any info on systems used” below

  3. “Cleaning + ventilation” highlighted in green with “venues ‘close doors’ to keep enclosed visitors safe” below

  4. “Seating” highlighted in green with “mindful to where + how events take place” below

  5. “Programming” highlighted in green with “suiting different bodies + minds” below

  6. “Eating + drinking” highlighted in green with “provided” below

  7. “Mask wearing” highlighted in green with “mandatory for those that can” below

  8. “Activities” highlighted in green with “sanitised + packaged prior” below

  9. “Clear routes” highlighted in green with “to avoid confusion” below

  10. “Contracts + culture” highlighted in green with “agreed beforehand - anyone that couldn’t attend would still be paid” below

At the top of the page is the heading “non physical participation” written in large black script with a pink wavy line above and below.

Below is a circle, outlined with a dashed pink line and “board games” written at the top with a pink line above and below. In the centre of the circle is an illustration of a board game. A dashed grey line goes from the right of the pink circle to a second pink circle. Inside this is an illustration of a booklet with writing on an a booklet with drawings on, below the illustration is written “activity packs” with a pink line above and below.

From the bottom left of this pink circle a dashed grey line goes right to a third dashed pink circle with “activity books” written at the bottom with a pink line above and below, and an illustration of a grey book with the title “drawing or stimming” written on the front along with an illustration of a pencil.

From the top of this pink circle two dashed grey lines lead to further circles. One to the top contains an illustration of a video screen and a microphone and the words “extra content” written at the top with a pink line above and below. The second line leads to a pink circle with an illustration of a grey laptop with a clapper board on the screen and a network of people in pink to the right, at the top of the circle is written “film clubs” with a pink line above and below. A grey dashed line goes from the top of the circle to the right where there is a final dashed pink circle with an illustration of a screen with a person dancing around a room in a unicorn costume on it and a large computer mouse icon on it in black. At the bottom of the circle is written “the origin of carmen power” with a pink line above and below.

Above these circles is written “creative & innovative” in large black script with “non-physical participation” written underneath and highlighted in pink.

To the right of the circles is a large pink speech bubble with “getting to a place of offering alternative ways to participate” written in white inside. Below this is a pink square with “it’s all of our responsibility to explore these things” written inside in white.

Below the dashed pink circles is a large pink speech bubble with “mindfulness on whether it is essential to have physical attendance for your work to be experienced…” written inside in white.

Below is “the risk navigation involved for chronically ill or CEV artists…” written in black script with a purple oval in the centre. Below this is an illustration of a map with a dashed line marking out a path and seven pink triangles with exclamation points inside across it.

Below the map to the left is an illustration of a laptop with a video icon on it and a network around it, this is in a dashed purple circle. To the right of this is written “parallel planning” in large black script and highlighted in purple. Below in smaller writing is “non-physical offerings relieve the admin, stress + anxiety of physical planning”.

At the right of the page is the heading “relaxed approaches to making” written in black and highlighted in green. Below is a large green cloud with six green squares inside and illustrations of networks in green in between. Each green square has a title and an illustration:

  • “Shared understanding” with an illustration of three people in a cloud with a network between them.

  • “Pre-visit information” with an illustration of four pieces of paper with information on them

  • “Staff training” with an illustration of a person with an information icon to the right

  • “Pre-show announcements” with two black information icons below

  • “Chill out space” with an illustration of two beanbags and a person sat in one

  • “A clear plan” with an illustration of a clipboard with a list of things checked off

Below “boundaries” is written in large black script with three purple lines above and three purple lines below. To the right is a purple speech bubble with a hand inside and a white heart. Below is a dashed purple oval with “are easier to implement if they are planned + agreed…” written inside in black.



Producers of artists and cultural events

that flip the mainstream

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