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Spaces of Joy: Week 3 live scribe alt text

Writer: Daisy HaleDaisy Hale

A green and pink wavey glitter boarder with the spaces of joy logo in the top left corner: “spaces of joy” curved around a star in white with a black shadow.

The title “accessing ‘mostly’ everything - Sam Holley Horseman” is written at the top left of the page in large white script and highlighted in black.

Below is a black and white sketch of a person with their left arm raised with grey stars to their right, captioned ‘Sam Holley Horseman’.

To the right of this drawing ‘neurodivergent director and creative’ is written in bright purple script and underlined in green.

To the right ‘theatre director and writer of poland, consultant and workshop leader’ is written in black script and circled with a light pink line and with grey stars around it.

Below is a large light pink speech bubble with “accessible check-in” written inside. Accessible is in purple and highlighted in black, with check-in written in large white block capitals.

The speech bubble comes up from an illustration of 5 people in long sleeved green tops, the person in the center is stood up and waving to the others. To the left of the drawing “a beautiful hello” is written in black script and underlined in pink. Below the drawing “a way to gauge the room” is written in black script and underlined in pink. Below and to the left is a pink outlined speech bubble that reads “being mindful of this on Zoom eg format of introductions”.

Beneath “the industry is crazy” is written in large black script, with ‘crazy’ in bright pink. Below are three black speech bubbles with bright pink writing insite that say: “opportunities”, “funding applications” and “expectations”.

To the right in black script is written “we hope that lessons learnt through covid might continue”.

A curly grey arrow points down to the words “the show must go on…” written in bright pink and crossed out in grey.

A second curly grey arrow points up to an illustration of a pair of hands holding a person in a light pink dress clasping their hands in front of them. They are surrounded by the words:

  • Transparency

  • Fair Pay

  • Work / life balance

  • Fair opportunity

  • Fair hours

  • Switch off time

Written in black script and highlighted in green.

In the centre of the page is an illustration of three people in green tops. One is hanging upside down with their arms outstretched. One of them is chewing and has their left arm in front of them. One of them is smiling with their mouth open and holding a purple spikey ball.

Above the illustration, the caption “we are all sensory beings” is written in black script. To the right of the illustration is written “and we all experience sensory in different ways”. This is circled by a bright pink line.

On the right hand side of the circle are the words

  • Smell

  • Auditory

  • Vision

  • Tactile

  • taste

Highlighted in light pink, and the words

  • Vestibular

  • Proprioceptive

  • Interceptive (sic)

Highlighted in purple.

At the top of the circle is a large green speech bubble that reads “sensory beings” in bold font.

A curly grey arrow points from the top of this speech bubble to the right where there is a green circle with an illustration of a person looking happy and excited, surrounded by grey stars. The caption at the bottom of the circle reads “sensory seekers”.

A grey curly arrow points from the bottom of this green circle to the right where there is another green circle. Inside is an illustration of someone reacting to a smell, with the caption “sensory sensor” at the bottom of the circle.

A grey curly arrow points from the top of this circle to the right where there is another green circle. Inside is a person smiling and jumping with their arms raised above their head. To their right is a bowl of hot food and to their left is a graph. At the bottom of the circle is the caption “sensory bystander”.

A grey curly arrow points from the bottom of this circle to the right where there is another green circle. Inside is an illustration of a person smiling, sitting on a green bean bag, hugging the knees into themselves. There is a grey cloud around them and musical notes to their right. At the bottom of the circle is the caption “sensory avoider”.

Below these circles is a picture of a grey sound board with purple sliders and different levels. A pink speech bubble to the right reads “everyone’s sensory needs are different”.

A pink arrow points to the right of the sound board to the words “being mindful of this and trying to work in sensory neutral environments”, with “neutral environments” underlined in green.

Below is a square with a purple dashed outline. Inside is a person in a purple long sleeved top, holding ear defenders over their ears with noise coming from their left. Above is a speech bubble that says “sensory overload” and is highlighted in purple.

To the right is a square with a green dashed outline. Inside is a person in green trousers and a green long sleeved top, dancing in lots of lights and surrounded by stars. At the top of the square is a speech bubble that says “sensory joy” and is highlighted in green.

To the right are six punk speech bubbles of various sizes with white exclamation points in each and surrounded by stars.

Below “attention and engagement” is written in large bold black and pink font and underlined in purple. Beneath this “looks different for different bodies and minds” in smaller black script. Below “understanding these and making mindful adjustments to accommodate everyone’s needs” is written in smaller black script and highlighted in bright pink.

Below this are five circles outlined in bright pink, each with an illustration and a caption. The first has an illustration of three teaspoons with the caption “spoons theory” written at the bottom. The circle to the right of this has an illustration of a person in a pink long sleeved top in a black wheelchair, with three purple speech bubbles to the right; one with a graph in it, one with an illustration of medications and one with a drawing of a clock. The caption “crip theory” is written at the bottom of the circle. The circle to the right has a drawing of a person in a long sleeved pink top holding one hand to their face and the other to their chest, with stress lines surrounding them. The caption at the bottom of the circle is “burn out”. The circle to the right has a person in a long sleeved pink top, with their hands behind their back, a speech bubble on one side with an ellipsis in it and a thought bubble on their other side with stars in it. The caption at the bottom of this circle is “masking”. The final circle has a picture of a person in a long sleeved pink top, hunched over with their hands clasped in front of them with a speech bubble coming from outside of the circle that contains a thumbs down. The caption reads “rejection sensitive disorder”.



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