Suzanne Alleyne is a Cultural Thinker and founder of Alleyne&. Her passion and talent lie in exploring society’s key questions to develop more profitable, equitable and joyful organisations, through research, strategy and fresh conversation.
Her collaborative company combines strategic consulting with a cultural incubator which provides a home for her groundbreaking research project Neurology of Power, and operates at the intersection of research, business and the arts.
Suzanne has 30 years experience with a diverse client roster including Wellcome Trust, Channel4, Swatch, Barclaycard and Brixton House. She is an inaugural 2016 Arts Council England changemaker, a Brand Ambassador for Achates Philanthropy and an RSA, DEMOS, A 2022 Acumen Fellow and a 2020 Churchill Fellow.
Social Media: @AlleyneAnd
Website: https://alleyneand.com
Suzanne ran a session for Spaces of Joy named "Living the Future Now". The live scribe by Amber Anderson for this session is below:

Sheet 1

Sheet 2