Sheet 1
A green and pink wavy glitter border with the spaces of joy logo in the top left corner: “spaces of joy” curved around a star in white with a black shadow.
The title “Living the Future Now Session 11 - Suzanne Alleyne” is written at the top left of the page in large white script and highlighted in black.
Below “strategist, researcher + artist” is written in black script with “Suzanne Alleyne” below written in large white script and highlighted in pink. Below this is “encouraging people to live in their own superpower” written in black and underlined in black.
To the right is an illustration of Suzanne who has an Afro, is wearing white rimmed glasses, pink lipstick and a white shirt with a black pattern on it. The illustration is surrounded by grey stars and a pink outlined circle.
Below is a speech bubble outlined in green with “understanding that we are many different people at any given time…” written in black inside, partially highlighted in green and underlined with a green wavy line. To the right of this is an illustration of two hills with a person stood on top of each with their hands in the air. The person on the right hand hill has a green speech bubble above them with “it’s not ‘mixed messaging…’” written in black inside. At the bottom of the hills is a third person who has a green speech bubble to their left with “I need…” written inside. To the right of the illustration is a vertical pink line with small pink horizontal lines spaced across it to depict a scale. Below the illustration is written “access is a scale…” in black with a ink line above and below. Below is “you will require different tools + support in different situations…” written in black script.
Below this is the heading “collaboration & access is key” written in large purple writing.
Below is the quote “access ‘needed for one’ will support others too…” written in black and underlined in pink.
Below this is an illustration of four people in white trousers and pink tops, they are each surrounded by a series of pink circles like ripples. One has a white collar and is holding a sheet of paper, one has their hand in the air, one is in a wheelchair and has both hands in the air, one has a hearing aid and is holding a sheet of paper.
To the right of the illustration is written “remembering that everything is” in black with “connected…” in white and highlighted in pink.
At the top of the page, to the right of the illustration of Suzanne, is the heading “finding your intersection to flourish” in black and purple. To the right are illustrations of leaves in light purple. A person in light purple trousers, a dark purple top and black glasses is dancing on a large leaf. Their hands are in the air with a purple banner above them with white writing on it that reads “access has given me my freedom!”.
To the right is an illustration of four people in a row wearing dark purple tops and surrounded by grey stars:
One in a wheelchair with their arm outstretched, a light purple speech bubble to their right with “flexible scheduling” written inside
One with a hearing aid standing with their arms behind their back, two light purple speech bubbles are above them with black writing inside, to the left “BSL” and to the right “live transcripts”
One with glasses holding a sheet of paper in front of them, a light purple speech bubble to their left with “tidy spaces” inside and one to their right with “documents on blue paper” to their right
One sat at a round table with two sheets of paper on and a large bottle of water, a light purple speech buckle to their left with “triple distilled himalayan water” inside
Below the illustration is “rockstar environments for everyone to thrive…” written in a mixture of light purple glittery block capitals, black script and large purple script.
In the centre of the page is an illustration of an identity card with light green at the top and bottom, an icon of a person in the top left corner in black and “identity & access” written in black across it. A light green arrow points from the right of the card to “understanding what you want to achieve…”written in black with a light green box outlining it. A light green arrow points from the right down to a second light green box with “what impact you want to have…” written in black inside. A light green arrow points from the bottom of this box to a third green outlined box with “what you need to achieve this…” written inside in black.
Below is the heading “neurology of power” outlined by a light pink circle and “power” highlighted in green.
Below is written “it’s important to sit in your feelings…” with an illustration of a person holding their hands together, surrounded by a series of light pink circles to denote ripples. To their left is a light pink cloud with various punctuation and love hearts inside.
To the right is written “where does power reside in the brain + body?” with an illustration above it of a body with a magnifying glass with a pink question mark inside looking over the body.
Below this is written “power + status underlie everything…” and “power: ‘ability to have impact over someone else’”, in black with wavy green lines above and below.
To the right of the page is the quote “you should not have to be risk adverse to take on a project…” with a pink speech bubble to the left with “access can be a feeling…” written inside in white. To the right of the quote are various illustrations with a light pink network of circles:
Hands holding a pink love heart
A sign on a pole of a wheelchair icon
A pink speech bubble with the closed captioning icon inside
A sign with an eye on it
The audio description icon
A pink speech bubble with the braille icon in it
Below is the quote “encourage conversation…” written in black and pink.
Below this is the quote “wider structures need to integrate access” written in black with a pink line above and below it.
Underneath this are five rectangles outlined in green, each with a number at the top circled in pink and writing in the middle:
“The more power = the less empathy” with an illustration of some scales at the bottom
“We predict based on previous experiences” with an illustration at the bottom of two heads and a speech bubble between them, the person to the left has a cloud behind them with a network of circles inside
“Body budgeting energy spending” with an illustration below of two people; one walking with a cane with a battery symbol with two bars to their right, the other in a wheelchair with a battery symbol with three bars to their right
“Neuroplasticity we have the ability to evolve our thinking”
“Be in the moment” with an illustration to the right of a person sitting cross legged on the floor meditating
To the right, in green, is written “three main themes:” with a curly green arrow pointing down to a light pink speech bubble with “compassion” in bright pink and “your responsibility to people” in black written inside and two pink love hearts to the right. To the left is a light pink thought bubble with “empathy” in pink and “without action is useless” in black written inside. Below in pink block capitals is “humility” and “able to admit mistakes” written in black with dashed pink lines above and below.

Sheet 2
A green and pink wavy glitter border with the spaces of joy logo in the top left corner: “spaces of joy” curved around a star in white with a black shadow.
The title “Living the Future Now Session 11 - Suzanne Alleyne” is written at the top left of the page in large white script and highlighted in black.
Below “strategist, researcher + artist” is written in black script with “Suzanne Alleyne” below written in large white script and highlighted in pink. Below this is “encouraging people to live in their own superpower” written in black and underlined in black.
To the right is an illustration of Suzanne who has an Afro, is wearing white rimmed glasses, pink lipstick and a white shirt with a black pattern on it. The illustration is surrounded by grey stars and a pink outlined circle.
Below is a large green speech bubble with “impact” in large white block capitals. To the right is written “...but if you are also still motivated in the work that you are doing…” in black with a green line above and below.
Below the speech bubble “measurable markers to determine if objectives are on track…” is written in black with a green line above and below.
Underneath is a speech bubble outlined in pink with “defining ways of working…” written inside in black and a bright pink magnifying glass in the bottom right hand corner.
Below is the quote “this is how I work…” written in black with a pink line above and below.
To the right of this is written “being able to talk in both functional + emotional language…” in black with “functional” and “emotional” in pink.
Above this is written “new working relationships formed through referrals is a way to form your working dynamic” in black and pink, with grey lines above and below.
To the right is a light pink illustration of eight icons of people connected with light pink dashed lines.
Below this is an illustration of a pink clipboard with a stack of white paper on it. On the top sheet the title “my working needs…” is followed by a bullet pointed checklist with a pink tick next to each point.
To the left of the clipboard is a light pink speech bubble with “try to choose who you work with” written inside in black.
To the right of the clipboard is the quote “the countdown model…” is written in black with pink wavy lines above and below. Underneath is “it can be important to have a balance of ‘bigger + smaller’ clients” written in black.
At the top of the page is the heading “takeaways…” written in large black script with purple lines above and below. To the right are eight large purple speech bubbles with white writing inside:
“The concept of how you predict when you listen + how to manage that…”
“Not being able to differentiate between types of stress - learning how to recalibrate”
“Rethinking access in a privileged context”
“Rage vs motivation, how to manage that”
“What do I need to be the best, what do other people need to flourish?”
“You cannot support others if you aren’t supporting yourself”
“Starting from the idea - skills you already have + how you can use them”
“Take a breath… creating your future”